OUR Mission

FFI Mission and Vision statements



Fly Fishers International will play a meaningful role in the global fly fishing community by collaborating with individuals, organizations, and industry leaders to have a positive influence on the evolution of the sport. FFI will
accomplish this vision by building partnerships, increasing its membership, building financial support, and enhancing the impact of its programs.

Take the FFI Fly Fisher’s Pledge
• I pledge to support and speak on behalf of all fish and all water, everywhere

• I value the sport of fly fishing and I will support the conservation of natural areas, fish, and their habitats as essential to the enjoyment of
our sport and our individual qualities of life.

• I welcome all fly fishers, young and old, and
pledge to introduce and/or mentor to the sport
of fly fishing.

• I pledge to leave all waters and access in as
good or better condition than I found them.